The Centre for Assamese Studies, Tezpur University, will be organizing a two-day national seminar on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Lakshminath Bezbaroa on 3-4 April, 2014.
The topic of the seminar will be ‘Modern Assamese Society, Literature and Bezbaroa’ and will have two major themes viz. ‘19th Century Assamese Society and the Assamese Mind’ and ‘Modern Assamese Literature and Bezbaroa’.
The Centre for Assamese Studies invites full length papers from interested scholars on the themes above which will be published as a volume by Tezpur University.
The full papers (within 8000 words) can be either in English or in Assamese and will have to be submitted by 28 February 2014 to The papers will be reviewed by an expert panel and the selected papers will be presented by participants at the Seminar.
For more information on the themes/ sub-themes, interested scholars can visit the Tezpur University website or email