National Seminar on Rethinking Social Change: Recent Trends and Emerging Perspectives 16 & 17 May, 2013
Call For Papers: Social scientist, scholars, students, journalist, media-persons, feminists, activists, NGOs, Administrators and researchers working in themes on social change, tradition and modernity, institutional reforms, media and democratization are invited to present papers in this seminar.
Authors are requested to submit one page extended abstract/abstracts in single space in MS word file format not exceeding 200-250 words giving title, name of author (s), and institution /affiliation. The
abstract must be original unpublished work. You may indicate your preference for an oral or poster presentation.

Rethinking Social Change:
Recent Trends and Emerging Perspectives
Abstract copy should be sent by email prior to April 5, 2013. Accepted abstracts for presentations will be communicated to the corresponding author by April 15, 2013. Selected abstracts for presentation will be published in hard copy in Seminar Proceedings (Abstract) and will ultimately be published as an edited book. Further, authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation will be invited for the submission of full
length paper latest by May 10, 2013 .
Abstract Submission Dateline: April 5, 2013
Accepted Abstract Information: April 15, 2013
Travel Grant: Rail fare and bus fare travel grant will be given to the paper presenters.
Sponsored By University Grant Commission (UGC) North Eastern Regional Office, Guwahati In Collaboration with Social Welfare Department
Government of Mizoram
Organized By:
Department of Sociology
Department of Psychology
Pachhunga University College,
Venue: Seminar Hall Pachhunga University College, Aizawl
Address for Correspondence:
N.William Singh
Assistant Professor of Sociology
(Organizing Secretary)
Pachhunga University College , Aizawl-796001
Dr. Saichampuii Sailo
Assistant Professor of Psychology (Co-Convener)
Pachhunga University College, Aizawl-796001