All candidates holding Master Degree of recognised Universities securing 50% marks or equivalent grade point , who have been already applied for the Dibrugarh University Research Admission Test (DURAT) , they do remind that exam will be held on 15.11.2014 for admission to the Ph.D. and M.Phil programmes for the session 2014-2015.

This time, university is offering following Ph-d & M.Phil Degrees to their students as follows :
Applied Geology, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Economics, Life-Sciences, Management, Mathematics, Petroleum Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Sociology, Statistics, Philosophy.
Assamese, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, Education, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Statistics and Sociology.
Please be sure that University keeps 15 – 11- 2014 as the date for the DURAT 2014 .
As the applications submissions date is over so all candidates are requested to visit official website of Dibrugarh University for the latest notifications.
Please click here to go to official website of DU : Click Me