A School on Advanced Algorithms will be held June 11-14, 2013 at IIIT Jabalpur. The School is open to Researchers, Graduate Students and Senior Undergraduate Students from India

Topics :
Geometric Computing
Linear programming and
its applications
Randomized Algorithms
Efficient Algorithms for Networks
Speakers :
Eric Berberich MPI Informatik, Saarbruecken, Germany
Naveen Garg, IIT Delhi
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, TIFR Mumbai
Kavitha Telikepalli, TIFR Mumbai
Travel :
Participants would be reimbursed train travel (2nd class fare) on production of tickets.
Participants will be accomodated in student hostels at IIIT Jabalpur.
Co-ordinators :
Dr. Atul Gupta
Associate Professor,
Computer Sc & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDMJ), Jabalpur
482 005
Email: atul[AT]iiitdmj.ac.in
Mob: +91 942 515 2499
Prof. Naveen Garg
Computer Sc & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Email: naveen[AT]cse.iitd.ac.in
TEL: +91 11 26591296