National Seminar on Media of North East India: Prospects & Challenges
Gauhati University which has been scheduled to be held on July 12th & 13th , 2014 has been rescheduled on 29th
& 30th November, 2014 Organised by Communication & Journalism Deptt., Gauhati University, Guwahati and Media Management & Research Association,Guwahati

Media Management & Research Association,
Accordingly, the last date for submission of abstracts has been extended upto 10th October, 2014. Full papers now can be submitted till 10th November, 2014. Those who have already submitted their abstract and full paper, need not submit again.
Submission of Abstract (within 250 words with hard & soft copy): 10th oct, 2014.
(Selected abstracts by the editorial board will be published in the souvenir.)
Submission of Full Paper (within 3000 words with hard & soft copy): 10th Nov, 2014.
Registration within 10th Oct, 2014, after the due date, there will be another charge of Rs.
The research paper should be in MLA format, A4 size, Times New Roman, 12 Font Size &
Line Spacing 1.5.
Registration Fee:
For teacher, research scholar, journalist, media person and others
Paper Presenters: Rs. 1000/‐ Participation: Rs. 700/‐
For Students (Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma):
Paper Presenter: Rs. 700/‐
Participation: Rs. 500/‐
Accommodation: Will be provided with atleast 15 days prior information with Minimum
Media and Socio- Economic Development, Media and Rural
Development, Media and Education, Media and Politics, Media and Language, Media and
Science, Media and Globalization, Media laws and Ethics, Film of North East, Media and
Culture, Media and Infotainment, Women and Media, Media and Children, Media and
Environment, Journalism (Print, Electronic and New Media), Citizen Journalism and any
other related topics..
Chandan Kr. Guswami
President, National Seminar & HOD i/c,
Department of Communication and Journalism,
Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014
Phn-9854072096Zakirul Alam
General Secretary Cum Coordinator
National Seminar
Gauhati University
E-mail id:,
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