It is for general information to the qualifying candidates of SLET/2012 that the Provisional Pass Certificate issuing has been reopened again w.e.f. 25-04-2013 (excluding 1st and 3rd Saturdays, holidays and Sundays) from 11.30am to 3.30pm.

The successful candidates are asked to collect their Provisional Pass Certificates personally or through messenger (the messenger should bring an authority letter where the signature of the messenger should be attested by the concerned candidate with their signature which was used in the Individual form as well as Admit Card) along with the following documents.
Mark-sheet of P.G Final/3rd and 4th Semester (in original)
Caste Certificate/Special Category Certificate (in original)
Admit Card of SET ( in original)
The candidates shall have to pay Rs. 250/- for both the Provisional and Original Pass Certificates. Those who collect the Provisional Certificates with due payment of Rs 250/- their Original Pass Certificate will be sent to their home address by speed post without any cost.