Call for Research and Innovation Proposals 2016-17 | Indian European Tied Up

Department of Science and Technology (DST), India and the European Commission (EC), Europe have signed a MOU to work jointly on theme research and innovation H2020.  Both have agreed to fund some proposals like
– India–EU collaborative research proposals,
– Technology Development & Deployment project proposals.
Call for Research and Innovation Proposals 2016-17 | Indian European Tied Up

Candidates from Indian origin working as and in Indian researchers, research institutions, universities in the field of science, technology and innovation can apply for this outsourced fund based research proposals in collaboration with their European counterparts so that Indian researchers can able to pick up Europe’s excellent opportunities in research and innovation. Through participation in H2020, researchers can excel great benefits from access to excellent knowledge, access to research data and connection to world-leading scientific networks and research teams.

Sub-Themes areas for submission of proposals:

  1. Architectured /Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures
  2. Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore
  3. Cross-cutting KETs for diagnostics at the point-of-care

For categories 1 & 2, submission of applications to both DST and the EC will be closed on 27th October, 2016 whereas for category 3, submission of applications to both DST and the EC will be closed on 19th January, 2016.

Details of Financial Support:

DST funding is granted for a maximum of three years, up to Rs 1,00,00,000 (Rupees one crore) per project to successful Indian participants in joint collaborative projects with European partners under Horizon 2020. Indian applicants must refer and adhere to national/regional regulations and scientific merits as defined by DST. In general, the following items will become eligible depending on national regulations for financial support to sanctioned projects –

Transportation: exchange research visits between Europe and India. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding

Workshops/Review Meetings: organization costs, including rents for the event location, catering, communication materials and the invitation of external experts. Eligibility is subject to national regulations.

Research costs: the extent to which small equipment and consumables costs as well as project-related miscellaneous expenses are eligible for funding depends on national regulations.

Personnel costs: extent of eligibility is according to respective national regulations.


For any query, please contact to the following address –

Sadhana Relia, Scientist ‘G’ & Head,
International Multilateral and Regi
onal Cooperation Division
Department of Science and Technology,
Govt of India Tel: +91-1126602216 Email:

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