Organised By –Debates & Symposium Section, Cotton College Union Society (CCUS)
VENUE : COTTON COLLEGE, GUWAHATI –01 DATE : 11th September,2013
TIME : 10 AM
About Manik Chandra Barooah National Level Debating Competition, since 1979 Manik Chandra Barooah – a name inextricably linked with the history of higher education in Assam was a visionary who, way back in 1901 moved the British Colonial government to establish the first institution for higher education in the state, Cotton College. It is in his honour that the CCUS has regularly been organising
the annual Manik Chandra Barooah Memorial National Level Debating Competition each year. Today as the college treads its one hundred and thirteenth year, we are proud to be able to announce the thirty third Manik Chandra Barooah National Level Debating competition.
We are also proud to state that some of the best academic institutions of the country, national and regional, have regularly participated in this annual event to which eminent personalities drawn from a wide range of backgrounds such as parliamentarians, journalists, academics and political leaders have been
invited to act as speakers. This year, Senior Journalist from visual media MR ARNAB GOSWAMI, EDITOR In CHIFE, TIMES NOW, is being invited as speaker.
Topic of Debate :
In the opinion of the House,
“Higher Education in India has completely failed to meet the demands of changing times.”
Best Team : Trophy and Cash Prize
Second Best Team : Trophy and Cash Prize
Best Debator : Trophy and Cash Prize (Overall)
Second Best Debator : Trophy and Cash Prize
Best Debator in English : Cash Prize
Best Debator in Assamese: Cash Prize
Best interjector Prize will be awarded.
Certificate of Participation will be awarded to all the participants.
Rules and Regulations:
# Only one team comprising of two competitors, one for the motion & other against the motion from an institution that is invited would be allowed to participate.
#Competitors can speak either in English or in Assamese.
#The debators will require endorsement by the principal or the head of respective college / institution /
#No participation fees would be charged from participants.
#Participants must confirm their participation over phone or by email on or before 31st August, 2013.
#Two interjections would be allowed from the audience and participants would be assessed on the basis of their response.
#The teams, accompanied by the teacher incharge, would be provided return train fare (Sleeper Class) or first class tickets depending on distance and early confirmation of participation.#Food and accomodation will be provided from the evening of 10.09.2013 to the morning of 12.09.2013.
#The decision of the judges will be final.
Correspondence :
Dr. Gautam Mazumdar (Working President), 09435557215 (M)
Email –
Sri Churamoni Saikia (Organising Secretary) 09854109101 (M),
Sri Dhrubajyoti Deka (Jt. Organising Secretary) 08761945416 (M)
Sri Janardan Goswami (Jt. Organising Secretary) 09508597569 (M)
Sri Lupamudra Rajkhowa (Jt. Organising Secretary) 09707665152 (M)
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