A National Conference on Manufacturing: Vision for Future
MVF2013 October 12-13, 2013 Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
Manufacturing: Vision for Future
Important dates :
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For information, contact
Dr. Uday S. Dixit
Organizing Secretary
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
Guwahati 781 039, Assam, India
Phone: 91-361-2582657; Fax: 91-361-2690762; 2582699
Dr. M. Ravi Sankar
Joint Organizing Secretary
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
Guwahati 781 039, Assam, India
Phone: 91-361-2582684; Fax: 91-361-2690762; 2582699
E-mail: mvf@iitg.ernet.in
Website: www.iitg.ac.in/mvf2013