National Conference on Mathematical Biology ( May 23 – 25, 2013) Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India Organized by Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University
VENUE: Dept. of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh -4, Assam.
OBJECTIVE: To arrange for a convergence of the researchers from differentparts of the country for having a fruitful interaction and discussion on the current trends in the field of Mathematical Biology.
Mathematical Biology
( May 23 – 25, 2013)
Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India
Organized by Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University
Rs. 500/- for Students and Research Scholars,
Rs. 1000/- for Teachers and others to be paid in cash at the time of registration.Interested participants should send filled-in registration form to the Organizing Secretary by post or through email :
For any query please contact the Organizing Secretary at 09435391202(M).
ACCOMODATION: Participants will have to arrange their own accommodation. However, accommodation may be arranged on prior communication and payment in advance. For details, contact
Dr. Palash Dutta, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University. Mobile No. : 09435184995, email:
TA : Subject to availability of fund TA may be paid to participants outside
Assam as per Dibrugarh University rules.
Call for Papers: Research papers on any aspect of Mathematical Biology are invited for presentation in the Conference. Full paper should reach the Organizing Secretary on or before May 13, 2013.
Please refer to official email-id for acquiring more information about the program from