College of Agricultural Banking , RBI, Pune announced Essay Competition, 2014 for generating fresh ideas for disseminating financial literacy. CAB RBI requested all the staff members working at different units of various banks, retired bankers,students, academicians and General Public to contribute fresh ideas and thoughts. This competition is organized to understand the strategy that need to make country as financially literate and thereby to achieve the objective of more inclusive society.

Essay Topic : ” How to make India a financially literate country – Strategies”
Participants :
1. Staff members of banks (Scheduled Commercial Banks, RRBs, State/District/UrbanCooperative Banks, NABARD, SIDBI & RBI).
2. Academicians, Students, Financial Literacy Councellors, General Public and others:
Language and word limit : The essay may be either in English or Hindi and should not be of more than 3,000 words.
Prizes : Four prizes for each of the two channels of participants, as detailed under, will be awarded :
1st Prize – Rs. 20,000/-2nd Prize – Rs. 15,000/-3rd Prize – Rs. 10,000/-Consolation Prize (1) – Rs. 5,000/-
The College of Agricultural Banking reserves the right to publish prize winning and also other well written essays in its journal “CAB Calling”
Last date for submission: Entries should be sent in the following address with the titled on the envelop as ” Essay Competition, 2014″ on and before December 30, 2014 by 5.00 pm
The Principal
College of Agricultural Banking
Reserve Bank of India
University Road Pune – 411016
Alternatively, Entries may also be sent by mail to